Indonesia International Palm Oil, Machinery and Processing Technology Exhibition
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PT.GEM Indonesia

Ministry of Agriculture Promotes Indonesian Coconut on the International Level

India – Indonesian coconut has the potential to skyrocket in the global market. At this international event, the Ministry of Agriculture took advantage of the momentum to promote Indonesian coconuts on the international stage. The Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantations, represented by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Plantations, Heru Tri […]
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Ministry of Agriculture Maintains Indonesia’s Plantation Resilience 2023 for PSR Acceleration

The agricultural sector currently continues to be the mainstay of the national. The national economy in general shows resilience, supported by increased domestic demand, investment and inflation that are maintained and the continued positive performance of exports. From data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS, provisional figures), the value of agricultural exports from January to […]
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Indonesia Plantations are Increasingly Glanced by the Global Market, Huge Investment Opportunities Wide Open

Jakarta – Kenaf, one of the plantation commodities that has attracted attention form the global market. World demand for kenaf fiber is increased. Kenaf plants are commonly used in the automotive industry, as well as for industries in the field of other vegetable fibers. This great kenaf opportunity was captured by Plantation Business Actors namely […]
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