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Indonesia Plantations are Increasingly Glanced by the Global Market, Huge Investment Opportunities Wide Open

Jakarta – Kenaf, one of the plantation commodities that has attracted attention form the global market. World demand for kenaf fiber is increased. Kenaf plants are commonly used in the automotive industry, as well as for industries in the field of other vegetable fibers.

This great kenaf opportunity was captured by Plantation Business Actors namely PT. Sahabat Mitra Strategis who have successfully established partnerships with buyer from South Korea, PT. Gaong Daol Indonesia to develop large-scale kenaf with a cooperation value of USD 14.8 million for an area of 1.000 ha in several potential areas of kenaf.

The Director General of Plantations, Andi Nur Alam Syah, at the Investment Forum and Business Matching Plantation Commodities activities, appreciated the partnerships that were formed, especially the kenaf commodity because it would become an export opportunity for plantation foreign exchange.

“The Ministry of Agriculture continues to strive to encourage increased investment in the plantation sub-sector and expand market access for plantation business actors through business networking between business actors and off-takers or buyers of plantation commodities,” he said.

It is known that, there are investors form Japan who are interested in investing, trying to use kenaf plant biomass for energy sources by utilizing nanotechnology.

For the marketing of kenaf commodities, a strategic marketing system is needed, so that commodity development can meet the needs of the industry both domestically and abroad.

The Directorate General of Plantations continues to contribute to the source of national export foreign exchange from the non-oil and gas sector until 2023 which is the big target of the Minister of Agriculture. Leading plantation commodities such as palm oil, rubber, coconut, coffee, cocoa, tea, spices and others are still directed at achieving the target of export values of up to 1.400 trillion in 2024, from the current condition of the country’s foreign exchange from plantation exports only reaching 400-500 trillion per year.

“The potential for other region-specific commodities such as areca nut, gambier, aren, stevia, moringa and essential plants including kenaf need to be continuously encouraged due to the increasing world demand.” He said.

Source : Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia


Language : Bahasa


Jakarta – Kenaf, salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang berhasil dilirik pasar global. Permintaan dunia akan serat kenaf semakin tinggi. Tanaman kenaf biasa digunakan dalam industri otomotif, maupun untuk industri dibidang serat nabati lainnya.

Peluang kenaf yang besar ini ditangkap oleh Pelaku Usaha Perkebunan yaitu PT. Sahabat Mitra Strategis yang berhasil menjalin kemitraan dengan buyer asal Korea Selatan, PT. Gaong Daol Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kenaf skala besar dengan nilai kerjasama sebesar USD 14,8 juta dengan luas 1.000 ha di beberapa daerah potensi tanaman kenaf.

Direktur Jenderal Perkebunan, Andi Nur Alam Syah, pada kegiatan Forum Investasi dan Business Matching Komoditas Perkebunan, mengapresiasi kemitraan-kemitraan yang terjalin khususnya komoditas kenaf karena akan menjadi peluang ekspor untuk devisa perkebunan.

Beliau mengatakan, “Kementerian Pertanian terus berupaya mendorong peningkatan investasi di sub sektor perkebunan dan perluasan akses pasar pelaku usaha perkebunan melalui Business networking antara pelaku usaha dan off-taker atau buyer komoditas perkebunan,”.

Diketahui bahwa, ada Investor dari Jepang yang tertarik berinvestasi, berupaya menggunakan biomassa tanaman kenaf untuk sumber energi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi nano.

Untuk pemasaran komoditas kenaf, dibutuhkan sistem pemasaran yang strategis, sehingga pengembangan komoditas dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Ditjen Perkebunan terus berupaya berkontribusi terhadap sumber devisa ekspor nasional dari sektor non migas hingga tahun 2024 yang menjadi target besar dari Bapak Menteri Pertanian. Komoditas unggulan perkebunan seperti kelapa sawit, karet, kelapa, kopi, kakao, teh, rempah-rempah dan lainnya tetap diarahkan untuk pencapaian target nilai ekspor hingga 1.400 triliun tahun 2024, dari kondisi saat ini devisa negeri dari ekspor perkebunan baru mencapai 400-500 triliun per tahun.

 “Potensi-potensi komoditas spesifik daerah lainnya seperti pinang, gambir, aren, stevia, kelor dan tanaman atsiri termasuk kenaf perlu terus didorong karena semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan dunia,” ujarnya.

Sumber : Kementerian Pertanian RI